Membership Categories
1. Institutional Member. Through the director of training, or his/her designated representative, any accredited (APA/CPA/or equivalent accrediting body) doctoral level training program in counseling psychology is eligible for Council membership.
Membership shall be confirmed upon receipt of dues for the current year. Any member program subsequently failing to maintain the above conditions for membership may be dismissed from the Council by a two-thirds vote of the Board. Unaccredited programs granted institutional membership prior to August 2009 may continue their membership at the institutional level so long as they remain continuously active.
2. Informational Member: Programs not meeting the institutional membership criteria may apply for informational membership status if:
a. They do not currently have a program that is designated as providing doctoral training in counseling psychology, but are in the process of developing a doctoral counseling psychology training program within the next seven years. b. They have a counseling psychology doctoral program that is not currently accredited, but are working toward accreditation within the next seven years.
Designated representatives of informational programs may attend meetings of the Council, but shall not have voting privileges. Upon becoming accredited (APA/CPA/equivalent accrediting body), informational programs may submit the appropriate documentation for institutional membership. Informational programs that do not develop a doctoral program or receive accreditation within the seven-year period must submit a status report of their progress toward accreditation to the Board before their informational membership status will be continued.
3. Individual Member. Training directors are not eligible for individual membership but should rather seek membership through the institutional or informational membership categories. Faculty members associated with institutional or informational member programs (but who are not serving as training director) are eligible for individual membership in CCPTP. Individuals who are members of Division 17 and have a strong interest in counseling psychology training are also eligible for individual membership. Individuals not meeting these criteria may petition the Board for membership based on special circumstances. Individual members may attend meetings of the council, but shall not have voting privileges.
4. Individual ECP Member. Early Career is defined as receiving your doctoral degree within 10 years. Training directors are not eligible for individual membership but should rather seek membership through the institutional or informational membership categories. Faculty members associated with institutional or informational member programs (but who are not serving as training director) are eligible for individual membership in CCPTP. Individuals who are members of Division 17 and have a strong interest in counseling psychology training are also eligible for individual membership. Individuals not meeting these criteria may petition the Board for membership based on special circumstances. Individual members may attend meetings of the council, but shall not have voting privileges.
Helpful Membership Hints
Help! I am not on the listserv. What do I do?
If you are not receiving listserv emails, that means that either:
- Your information is not up-to-date on our membership website or
- Your membership is not current on dues.
Please log in to the website and make sure your email address is accurate and your dues are paid. |
Help! I am a new TD and do not know how to get access to the website. What do I do?
If you are a new TD, you should work with the previous TD to obtain the user ID and password for the site. We recommend that all TDs use a generic password (such as “GoTigers2015”) rather than a personal password. If you are unable to get this information from the previous TD, please send an email to the association leadership team at
For Membership Information - Please Contact Jennie Park Taylor at
Thank You