Board Job Descriptions


Responsible for maintaining direction, preparing agendas, chairing meetings of the Council. Represents the Counsel to other professional organizations.

1. Makes decisions on behalf of CCPTP regarding policy, implementation, program planning and resource allocation.
2. Serves as contact person for individuals/organizations outside CCPTP who have questions or concerns about the Council, its policies and procedures.
3. Maintains all aspects of public communication regarding CCPTP.
4. Serves as primary liaison to other professional groups/organizations affecting CCPTP, or designates an alternate to serve as liaison (which includes attending organizational meetings, providing information to these organizations about Council activities, writing correspondence on behalf of CCPTP, and providing a report to Council membership of their liaison activities).
5. Coordinates all business and programmatic functions of the Council.
6. Coordinates tasks and efforts related to website update and management.
7. Serves as consultant to members of Council regarding policy, program, and resource allocation decisions.
8. Plans and chairs annual Midwinter Conference. Coordinates business meetings, social hours and other relevant programs at the APA, and other annual conventions and regional meetings as appropriate.
9. Prepares responses or position papers from CCPTP regarding professional issues and designates an individual and/or group to develop such statements/responses.
10. Advocates for doctoral training issues in policy decisions affecting training on local, regional, and national levels.
11. Keeps membership informed of issues and events of the national scene that are of relevance to the membership via the CCPTP listserv.
12. Attends the annual mid-winter meeting of the Division 17 Executive Committee or designates a representative to attend.
13. Attends the annual mid-winter meeting of the Council of Chairs of Training Councils (CCTC) or designates a representative to attend.
14. Attends BEA meetings as CCPTP’s liaison or designates a representative to attend.
15. Attends APPIC and ACCTA meetings as CCPTP’s liaison or designates a representative to attend
16. Prepares an annual President's report for review of the Council’s members
17. Attends Trilateral Psychology Executive Roundtable and liaisons with the Council of Credentialing Organizations in Professional Psychology or designates a representative to attend.
18. Coordinates Gifts and Honorarium activities to recognize the contributions of outgoing Officers, Members of the Board, and other significant contributors to CCPTP functions as determined by the President.


1. Assumes responsibilities of the President in the event of disability or resignation of the President.
2. Chairs meetings in the absence of the President.
3. Carries out assignments as requested by the President.
4. In consultation with the President, develops the major Counseling Psychology Training Program Surveys every three years and disseminate the results in appropriate manner.

Past President

1. Carries out the responsibilities of the President and/or President Elect in the event that the President is unwilling or unable to discharge her/his duties.
2. Chairs the meetings in the absence of the President or President Elect.
3. Carries out responsibilities assigned by the President.
4. Serves as consultant to the President and Board.
5. Serves for one year following close of his/her President role.
6. In consultation with the President, solicits nominations for and conducts the election of new officers. Requests for Council member nominations are distributed by email in March, following the mid-year meeting of the Board to all institutional members. The Past President should verify with each election candidate his/her willingness to serve a three-year term on the Board and clarify for each candidate his/her responsibilities if elected, before the candidate's name is placed on the election ballot. Ballots are mailed to institutional members between April and May. The Past President compiles the election results and forwards these results to the President for verification of the election and for subsequent notification of results to the nominees. These results should be announced by July.


Responsible for recording the minutes, handling correspondence, and serving as archivist. The first set of minutes for which the secretary is responsible will ordinarily be those of the incoming meeting of the Board at the APA convention; the last set of minutes for which he/she is responsible will ordinarily be those of the annual business meeting of the Board at the APA convention.

1. Records minutes of the CCPTP Business meetings, which occur at APA and at the Midwinter Conference. Records minutes of all CCPTP Board meetings. Minutes should be submitted to the President and Board for review and approval following each meeting. Minutes of the business meetings will be distributed at the business meeting of the next scheduled conference (APA or the Midwinter Conference).
2. At the discretion of the President, the secretary may distribute copies of the Minutes and/or may forward an electronic copy of the Minutes to the CCPTP Webmaster to be posted on the web page.
3. Provides CCPTP stationery each year, shortly after the APA convention, distributing letterhead on e-mail to Board.
4. Takes roll call at the start of each business meeting and maintains a record of institutional members represented at the meeting.
5. Includes in the minutes, as relevant, the names and pertinent information regarding any CCPTP members who volunteer to serve as liaisons to other organizations.
6. Includes in the minutes, as relevant, the appointments of board members as liaisons to CCPTP (e.g., ACCTA, SCP)
7. Updates the Bylaws as needed and obtains majority vote from the CCPTP membership on any revisions. Includes the revised copy with the Minutes and sends to the CCPTP Webmaster for posting on the website.
8. Maintains current job descriptions for the Board.


Maintains the treasury and oversees the financial operations of CCPTP.

1. Maintains, and if needed opens, a business account at an insured bank.
2. Maintains investment account and/or Certificate of Deposit, if appropriate, at insured bank.
3. Maintains records of all deposits and withdrawals from the CCPTP treasury. Keeps records in format for both presentation at Midwinter and Summer (APA) meeting and for tax filing purposes (CCPTP tax year is 8/1 – 7/31).
4. Prepares annual Treasurer's report for the membership at the Midwinter and Summer (APA) meeting.
5. Pays $200 annually to Archives (payable in January).
6. Sends out dues statements annually to member institutions and individual members.
7. Collects dues from member institutions and individual members, handles correspondence related to dues collection, and keeps accurate records of all dues received.
8. Follows up with institutions and individuals who have not paid dues in an effort to collect all dues.
9. Reminds board members of policies related to travel reimbursement and reimburses CCPTP board members for approved expenditures related to the conduct of CCPTP business. (Receipts to be sent within a month following the expenditure; electronically preferred).
10. In consultation with the President, grants yearly requests made in writing for special circumstance dues consideration and keeps information in confidence.
11. Serves as a consultant to the President person and the Board on the financial status of CCPTP's treasury, as it affects future planning and expenditures.
12. Works with Midwinter Conference Planning Committee on budget related to the conference and oversees this budget.
13. Plans a budget on the basis of advanced notification from members of anticipated expenses.
14. As needed and appropriate, reports on estimated budgets for each committee and project at the Midwinter Meeting.
15. Provides potential CCPTP individual members with application materials and general information about CCPTP. Specifically, sends potential individual members requirements and if they meet requirements, sends dues statement.
16. When an announcement is made that there is a change in TD, collaborates with the membership coordinator to communicates with the former TD to ascertain if they want to join as an individual member and thus remain on Listserv, and also communicates with new TD to make sure they are a member of the Listserv. Communicates this information and any changes for Listserv to Listserv Coordinator.
17. During dues collection period and on an ongoing basis (such as when new members join or when Training Director changes) maintains accurate list of individual and institutional members (including current TDs) and communicates this information to the Listserv Coordinator and the Web Master to ensure that the Listserv includes only paid members and liaisons and that the member lists on the web contain the most accurate and up to date membership list.
18. Submits annual form to IRS in conjunction with 501 (c) (3) Tax Exempt Status. IRS form is due 12/15.

Member at Large & Continuing Education Coordinator

Serves as a liaison between the conference planning committee and the actual sponsor of CE credits to ensure that continuing education programming has been organized, implemented, evaluated, and attendees receive their continuing education unit credits.

1. Consults with Board regarding programs for Midwinter Conference.
2. Compiles results of previous program evaluations to suggest programs for upcoming Conference. On ongoing basis, consults with the program planning committee regarding additional program needs.
3. Collects vitae, program descriptions, learning objectives, and outcome questions and coordinates these with the CE sponsoring organization.
4. Prepares CE Program listing and sends to conference host in time for inclusion in final mailing to membership prior to Midwinter Conference.
5. For the Midwinter Meeting, prints sufficient copies of the following forms, and prepares a folder of materials for each program:

  • Attendance Log
  • Evaluation Form
  • Certificates of Attendance

6. Arranges for collecting completed Evaluation Forms and Attendance Logs before end of Midwinter Meeting.
7. After Conference, summarizes evaluation statistics and comments on each program, sends a copy to each submitting presenter, and sends copies of all evaluations to President person, along with comments on Suggestions for Future Programs.

Member at Large & Awards Coordinator

Coordinates awarding of three annual CCPTP awards granted:

  • Outstanding Graduate Student Award
  • Lifetime Contributions to Education and Training in Counseling Psychology
  • Outstanding Training Program Award in DIA

1. Activities for Outstanding Graduate Student Award (OGS)

November – January: Contact CCPTP OGS Sage Representative to renew award process for the current academic year.

January-March: Advertise CCPTP Award to Counseling Psychology training directors (TDs) via the CCPTP listserv and by announcing at CCPTP Midwinter meeting. Also, at Midwinter meeting, recruit people (three non board members and two board members) to be on the CCPTP OGS Award Committee.

March: Finalize CCPTP OGS Award Committee with CCPTP Board. Deadline for receiving nominations for the award is mid or late March.

April (early): Distribute nomination materials to Committee members for review.

May: Receive committee member ratings and rankings no later than mid May. Compile and summarize these and distribute back to committee members. Facilitate final consensus among committee members regarding the finalist and any honorable mentions for this award.

June: Notify CCPTP President of finalist and honorable mention recipients (if any) of CCPTP OGS in early June. Then, contact the finalist and their TD so they can make plans to attend the CCPTP Business Meeting at the APA conference to receive the award. Contact the Sage Representative regarding the finalist and make arrangements for presentation of Sage award. Contact the honorable mention recipients (if any), other nominees, and respective TDs, regarding the award. Send award certificates for any honorable mention recipients and other nominees to CCPTP President for their signature, and have them return these to you.

July: Mail award certificates to any honorable mention recipients and other nominees. Have plaque made for finalist.

August: Give brief award presentation for CCPTP OGS Award at CCPTP Business Meeting at the APA annual conference. Send thank you note to Sage Publications (via the representative) for their sponsorship of this award.

2. Activities for Lifetime Contributions to Education and Training in Counseling Psychology

November-March: Advertise CCPTP Award to Counseling Psychology training directors (TDs) via the CCPTP listserv and by announcing at CCPTP Midwinter meeting. Also, at Midwinter meeting, recruit people (three board members and two non board members) to be on the CCPTP LCETC Award Committee.

March: Finalize Award Committee with CCPTP Board. Deadline for receiving nominations for the award is Mid April.

April: Distribute nomination materials to Committee members for review.

May: Receive committee member ratings and rankings no later than mid May. Compile and summarize these and distribute back to committee members. Facilitate final consensus among committee members regarding the finalist and any honorable mentions for this award.

June: Notify CCPTP President of winner by early June. Contact the winner so they can make plans to attend the CCPTP Business Meeting at the APA conference to receive the award.

July: Have plaque made for finalist.

August: Give brief award presentation at CCPTP Business Meeting at the APA annual conference.

3. Activities for the Outstanding Training Program Award for Diversity, Inclusion, and Advocacy

Coordinates with the Board Director who serves as the Liaison to SCAID to implement and select the winner for the annual CCPTP Outstanding Training Program Award for Diversity, Inclusion, and Advocacy, following a similar timeline as the other two CCPTP annual awards.

Member at Large & Membership Coordinator

The membership coordinator position is a relatively new position that was initiated in the academic year 2017-2018. Although the membership coordinator works closely with the treasurer, this person will be primarily responsible for membership questions and enrollment concerns that are separate from the management of dues collection. As part of membership enrollment, the membership coordinator also serves as the CCPTP email Listserv Coordinator to manage enrollment in the CCPTP listserv.

1. The membership coordinator will run membership reports twice a year to be able to report to the entire CCPTP membership the state of CCPTP membership in the various categories (Institutional Member, Institutional Co-Member, Informational Members, Individual Member and Early Career Psychologist Member (ECP)) at the Mid-Winter Meeting and the APA annual convention meeting.
2. Once a year, the membership coordinator will also reach out to lapsed members to remind them to re-join CCPTP.
3. The CCPTP website should be reviewed annually to assure that the current membership coordinator contact information is listed.

The membership coordinator also serves as the CCPTP email Listserv Coordinator. The primary purpose of the CCPTP listserv is for communication among members relevant to professional issues and resources, the organization's business, and member news.

1. Review listserv utilization so that members are able to conduct informal surveys related to their professional responsibilities, concerns, and CCPTP functions. Any such surveys are not to be used as a statement of formal position on any topic. The listserv is not to be used by members or non-members as a vehicle to advertise services or products for profit.
2. Ensure that non-members do not conduct formal or informal surveys on the listserv without the approval of the listserv coordinator.
3. Allow members to post job listings on the list. (Requests from non-members to post positions should be directed to the listserv coordinator or CCPTP President.)
4. Coordinates Listserv with Treasurer, so that only TDs, Liaisons, and dues paying individual members are on Listserv.
5. Create any necessary documentation associated with the operation of the listserv, such as welcome messages and user instructions; take all necessary steps to ensure that questions and problems are resolved.

Member at Large & Liaison to the SCAID

The liaison to the Standing Committee on Advocacy, Inclusion, and Diversity (SCAID) position is a relatively new position that was initiated in the academic year 2017-2018 after the SCAID was officially added to the CCPTP’s organization. One of the Member at Large Board Directors serves as the liaison to the SCAID and is responsible for the following tasks:

1. Initiates and organizes regular SCAID virtual meetings.
2. Coordinates with other SCAID members to develop and implement an application process to select new non-elected SCAID members.
3. Once new SCAID members are chosen, submits those names to the Executive Board for final approval.
4. Works with other SCAID members to develop and offer projects/activities/educational programs to CCPTP members or students that enhance the competencies in advocacy, inclusion, and diversity areas.
5. Provides an update to the CCPTP Board for review and approval on all SCAID’s activities.
6. Coordinates with the Board’s Award Coordinator to implement and select the winner for the annual CCPTP Outstanding Training Program Award for Diversity, Inclusion, and Advocacy, following a similar timeline as the other two CCPTP annual awards.

General Comments

Board Responsibilities and Roles
Board directors are trustees who act on behalf of an organization's membership. The board of directors has the principal responsibility for fulfillment of the organization's mission and the legal accountability for its operations. Board members have a duty of loyalty to the organization, its staff and other board members. While differences of opinion are sure to arise, board members should seek to keep disagreements impersonal. By practicing discretion and accepting decisions made on a majority basis, board unity and confidence will be promoted.

Board members accomplish their functions through regular meetings and by establishing a committee structure that is appropriate to the size of the organization and the board. Ideally, board members arrive at meetings prepared and ready to engage in thoughtful dialogue, and there is a group process, which generates and uses the best thinking of its members.

Boards should be open to self-evaluation and regularly review their own composition to ensure constituent representation, and board expertise and commitment.

Time Commitment
The Board directs the policy of the organization and oversees its overall performance. The terms of Board tenure are staggered (normally 36 months). The President Elect Designate will serve a total of 4 years. Board meetings are held two times a year, once at midwinter conference and the other meeting occurs at APA Convention. Other meetings may be convened by virtual conference call as deemed necessary by the President throughout the year. Additionally, each board member may serve as a liaison to one of the following Councils and will be supported to attend their meetings:

Council of Chairs of Training Councils: meets 2 times per year – Spring and Fall (President) Consolidated Meetings (President)
APPIC – meets at their biannual convention and at APA
ACCTA – meets at their Midwinter meeting and at APA
TPER – meets once annually (President) (Trilateral Psychology Executive Roundtable)
COS – meets at Convention. Activity is generally limited unless we are in the midst of re writing the CRSPP petition.
ELC – representation is appointed, not assigned with any particular board role.
SCP – meets at midwinter and at APA (President)

Standing Committees such as the Conference Planning Committee are made up of board members as assigned or requested. The President may elect to appoint individuals to STGs as indicated or to represent CCPTP at various events.